Sometimes I think I was born & brought up in the wrong generation.
I say this because I sometimes have such a hard time relating to things going on these days, and the lack of
values & common sense I see in people.
I grew up and was raised to know the meanings of Respect, Sincerity, Common Decency, Kindness, Accountability, Honesty, & in some cases Pprofessionalism. But, I am starting to believe that other people do NOT follow or believe in these traits. Every day at any hour you can turn on a TV show that shows other people behaving badly. IE: As one small example Jerry Springer prides himself in shows such as "Who is my baby's daddy?", " I am leaving you for your sister/mother/brother/father" , "Your woman is really a man!", etc. People come out dressed like hookers & hill billy's, & fight all the time. The people in the audience holler in encouragement of this bad behavior. And this is what we call entertainment.
Its especially scary for those that are letting TV raise their child. Because kids are sponges & they share what they know. But when society is not only teaching, but allowing this bad behavior, then where do we end up?
When I was growing up, shows like - Different Strokes (showing inter racial relationships in a positive light),
the Facts of Life (depicting growing pains of any teenager), Eight is Enough (showing family values),
Little House on the Prairie (depicting good, old fashioned values), FAME (inspiring art & culture), Star Trek (always exploring, learning about other civilizations), and 30-Something (showing the importance of friends & good relationships)... all these shows left you with something. A message, a movement, something to think about. But when the shows we see have no valuable message, what are we filling our heads with?
I do volunteer work for a kids shelter & worked with children under 5. You can tell where a child has been by the way they act or speak. I can't tell you how many times I heard a 3 year old tell me
"I am going to kick your ass!" Or one child call another "stupid ,a nigger, or a dumb ass, because that's what they knew. It makes you wonder what the kids & parents lives are like.
I remember seeing a mother hit her young child & call it stupid at a carnival, for throwing up after getting on a ride. When I had heard the child complain about an upset stomach before the ride began. Who at any point thinks its acceptable to cuss out a 6 year old?
But its not just kids were bad to. Look at the news & see the cruelty that we have subjected animals to.
A news story the other day mentioned a dog that had been beaten so badly by its owner that it was blind in one eye, would have an ever lasting limp, no tail, and mangled ears. What posses people to behave this way?
We even do it to ourselves. Like the U-Tube video that shows a father filming his son fighting another boy in the street. There was about 10 teenagers egging it on through the blood - screaming, crack his skull!
His his head in the street. No one stopped it, instead they encouraged it. Where does it end? A truce? The hospital with an astronomical bill & injuries that could last a life time, or just till death do us part?
Sometimes its not event the worst behavior - but every day, common decency that we lack.
Like littering. Why do people think its OK to throw their cups, cigarettes, & trash out in public?
Even doing it in the middle of traffic without regard to who sees them. Really, how embarrassing. Wouldn't you feel badly if you knew your boss, mother, priest saw you do that? I know I would.
Why do seniors think its OK to go to a restaurant & steal food from the buffet?
I never saw that depicted on any TV shows as being funny or acceptable behavior at any age.
If that happened back in my day - you'd be embarrassed beyond belief.
Why do people think its OK to steal their neighbors pet and dispose of it, just because they don't like it?
I never saw that on any TV shows of my generation, or experienced it growing up.
If the dog barked too loud - you asked your neighbor to keep it in more often.
Why is it acceptable to have road rage & actually threaten to kill someone for cutting you off in traffic?
I never saw that on Little House on the Prairie. Hmmmm, can you imagine Charles Engels threatening to tar & feather, or hang someone by the tree on the prairie for cutting off his wagon on his way into town?
What a show that would have been.
But then every day can be like show of its own, depending on where you are.
I was recently at a job interview in a professional setting. I was amazed to see people show up in flip flops, leggings, open blouses, & with outfits that were far from professional. Others sat on the phone in personal conversations with no intent on being discreet about what they spoke about in a room full of people.
I later learned that they had over 200 applicants apply for the job. 100 of which were excluded immediately due to typos, mis-spellings and bad grammar. Another 25 were deleted for not having any of the experience needed, and yet another 50 were excluded becausee the company checked out their Face book & My Space pages & found the content to be less than favorable. Of the remaining 25 - the company called their references, listened to their voice mails and how they spoke, and then called them. 10 people made it to the interview & of them 4 ruled themselves out before the interview began because of their unprofessional dress or behavior. Wow! From 200-6 that fast.
But then I ask myself shouldn't they know that? Isn't it common sense that you present yourself accordingly
when being judged for a job?
Where is our integrity, our self respect, our common sense? When did we stop caring about the world we are a part of by letting society decay to this point? Aren't these morals & principals taught in any school, since there not being taught on TV, or in many homes?
We all agree publicly that there needs to be "change". A president of change, a new year of change, a life/society change. But I think Gandhi said it best when he said
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." Honest & to the point. It has to start with us.
I for one would like to change the generation I am a part of - & make this little world of mine a better place,
and feel glad to be a part of it.